Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Copic Horse Study

Another art video, yay! This time I head into the complicated world of lighting on a horse's shiny coat.

I mention YouTuber LadyeStagsleap in this video. You can find her here and here.

And the finished product:

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Charlotte Riley--Monochrome Portrait

A speed coloring video in which in color a portrait of actress Charlotte Riley using only the B90 family of copic markers!

And the finished product:

I'm really pleased with how this turned out. Makes me feel as though my art skills aren't so hopeless after all! :)

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Notebook Flip-Throughs: Episode 1

I started a new video series: flip-throughs of my notebooks! Here's episode one, where I show you my first two notebooks.

Various things I mentioned in this video:

Artist Linda Sayegh

Celebrity cats Shorty and Kodi

Artist Goldenwolf

The online game Horse Isle 

LadyeStagsleap on deviantart

LadyeStagsleap on youtube--first channel

LadyeStagsleap on youtube--second channel

My Elsa video

Marisol on the Frozen Wiki

Marisol on the Disney Wiki

The 45th Nail, cover art by me

Really Long Journal Entry!

So recently I went on a long vacation with my family, and when I got back of course I wanted to write about it in my journal. But it took me a couple of days to finish writing it, and when I was finished I had written about twelve pages! But that's why I have a loose leaf journal--so that I don't have to put aside everything else I want to write while I finish writing a long journal entry. I can write multiple things at the same time! As to how I date it, I generally use the date on which I finish.

Monday, August 14, 2017

Resolution for an Earlier Post

Awhile ago I made a post lamenting the loss of web show episodes from the former site I was particularly mourning some lost episodes from the show What We Had To Watch, made by IlNeige. However, some good news! IlNeige has made a page on the website, containing all his lost episodes. Needless to say, I'm thrilled.

I highly encourage you to check this series out. IlNeige is hilarious, but his analyses of movies and what makes them good or bad is really well done. My personal favorites are his Pokemon reviews. So check out the show!

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Back From Hiatus!

Hello world! It's been a long time, but I'm finally back from hiatus! And I made my first video in almost a year!

As I explained in the video, I needed a bit of a "mental health" vacation from the internet. But I really missed my blog, and I missed making videos, plus I have a bunch of new ideas!

So, what have I been doing these past months? I've discussed this in my video, but here's the rundown:

1. I've been editing one of my novels, and am now looking for a publisher.
2. I now keep my notebooks in binders, rather than in folders (but if you follow my blog you know that already).
3. I've started collecting hardback books.
4. I now own a kindle, and I love it.

So glad to be back!