Monday, September 25, 2017

Notebook Flip-Throughs: Episode 2

The long overdue second episode in my notebook flip-through videos!

Charlotte Riley in Acrylics

Another speed-painting! As I say in the video, I am determined to improve my skills in acrylic painting, so you'll probably see a lot of similar art from me.

And here's the finished painting:

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Monday, September 11, 2017

Black Cat in Blue

Yet another copic marker picture! This one is done with blue markers, but I did it to study the highlights in a black cat's fur. So... black cat in blue?

And here's the finished picture:

Monochrome Wolf in Copic Markers

Another copic marker video! Sorry, I know I said I wanted to take a break from copic markers, but I have a bunch of paper lying around that is specifically for use with markers, and I wanted to use some. Here is a monochrome portrait of a wolf, done so that I could study the textures of a wolf's fur.

And the finished art:

My iTunes Video Library

I love watching digital movies on my iPad, and I believe that digital movies are going to be the next "thing" after BluRay. As such, I have been building my iTunes video library. Check it out!

What about you? Do you like watching digital movies? If so, which service do you use?

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

My Hardback Book Collection

So, as you may or may not know, I collect hardback books! Here is a video of me going through my beloved collection.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Nathalie Emmanuel in Colored Pencils

Yet another art video for me! This time I do actress Nathalie Emmanuel, portraying Missandei, using Prismacolor colored pencils. Please forgive me--my camera shook A LOT while I was filming this. Hope the video is still enjoyable.

And here's the finished art:

Monday, September 4, 2017


TRIGGER WARNING for video and text: Discussion of OCD rules and rituals.

Recently, I realized that my system of keeping notebooks would not be possible without computers, and therefore would not be possible in a different time. For some reason, this frustrates me. I don't discuss it much in the video but this is reminiscent of an OCD rule I used to have, where all my hobbies had to be possible in a different time.

Friday, September 1, 2017

Acrylic Speed Paint--Bella

I'm trying to improve my painting skills, which are, sadly, very poor. but I decided to do a monochrome acrylic painting for my notebook, featuring my character Bella. I turned out what I guess can be considered a "speed-paint" since the final result is very rough, but still gives the general idea. I filmed the process, and here it is!

Note Taking from Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science

I am exhausted because I just finished a month long project! I love including research in my notebooks; copying informative lists or taking notes from articles, things like that. But for the first time I tried taking notes from a whole book--Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science by Dr. Jeff Meldrum. (Buy on Amazon)

I started out taking notes by hand, using colorful pens. But that took too long, so I switched to taking notes on the computer and then printing them out. I used Helvetica, 12 pt, 1.5 spacing. It came out a lot bigger than it looked on the computer, but when I tried making it smaller, it actually looked too small... eh, oh well. Anyway, I made a new notebook entry for every chapter. Meaning that after I finished taking notes on a chapter, I would date the stack of papers and put it in my notebook. I dated it on the day I finished the section.

I actually need to think of a new way to date my research entries. Like I do with my writing, I date it and add my signature. But it's not my material, so I'm thinking maybe I shouldn't add my signature. It just looks weird otherwise, though--except for my journal entries, I sign and date all my notebook entries the same way.

So I you may have noticed me doing this on Instagram!

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My first set of notes is dated July 20, and I finished on August 31. I went on vacation with my family in the middle of it, so subtracting that I figure it took me about a month to finish this. Whew! But I learned so much about Sasquatch. A fascinating read.