Thursday, May 3, 2018

Book Review: Christian Nation by Frederic C. Rich

Two reviews in one day, yippee!

Rating: 5/5

My favorite genre of any media is horror. I don’t scare easily. This book, however, terrified me.

This book begins with an alternate history of the US’s 2008 Presidential Election: instead of Barack Obama winning, John McCain does. Then, shortly after assuming office, McCain dies of a sudden illness, and his Vice President Sarah Palin takes over. This sets American on a course to becoming a Christian theocracy.

This dystopian novel is a great companion to the film Jesus Camp, only it shows how Evangelical Christians actually could take over the country and do away with the separation of church and state. And it’s so realistic and believable it is chilling.

One thing that I like about this novel is that it doesn’t generalize Christians—it is an extremist minority that causes the problem. In fact, said extremists are shown discriminating against other Christians, such as Mormons.

Nevertheless, the extremist minority in this novel is very real, and Frederic C. Rich examines how they could not only achieve their goals, but how horrible the results would be. If you want to be scared into voting, read this book. It’s just that terrifying.

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