Sunday, July 17, 2016

Hello World!

Greetings to all! My name is Mary DeMauro and I am here to talk about all things to do with creativity. I carry around a folder filled with paper for drawing and writing, and I'm often seen with a book as well. I also love watching movies--preferably animated and horror films. But first and foremost I am a storyteller. Creating stories and characters is my passion. I am here to share my love of creativity with you!

So, other points of interest... I currently work as a social media manager. My hobbies, as I mentioned before, include drawing, writing, and reading. I belong to two cats, Sig and Carlson, and you'll probably see them popping up here and there. I have Asperger's Syndrome, and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. The former I consider an asset; the latter I have worked hard to cope with.

As I said before, storytelling is an important part of my life. That's why this blog is called The Spiderweb--spiders are universal symbols of creativity, hence why they are some of my favorite animals.

So, that's it for now! Hope you enjoy my ramblings!

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