Friday, July 22, 2016

Writing, Yay!

Who else likes to look at pictures of the written word? I do!

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Here's a shot of my diary. I'll either handwrite it or type it up and print it out, depending on my mood. Of course typing it is fun because you get to play with fonts! :D

A photo posted by Mary DeMauro (@marydemauro) on

This past March was a big month for me, as I finished the first draft of a novel I'd been working on for several months! It really needs polishing, but I've put it aside for a couple of other novels I want to write!

A photo posted by Mary DeMauro (@marydemauro) on

Here's the outline for said new project. I didn't outline my last novel and really regretted it. I outlined this one and am so happy I did!

Who else out there loves writing? Fiction? Journals? Do you prefer handwriting or typing? Do you outline or are you a "pantser" as they say?

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