Monday, September 26, 2016

So I DNFed A Book

Thought about making a video about this, but I felt like writing a blog post. :)

Recently I did something I don't often do: I DNFed a book. Namely this one:

A photo posted by Mary DeMauro (@marydemauro) on

Usually when I DNF I've read only a few pages of a book, but I just don't get a feel for it and decide to read something different. However, I think I got about 90 pages into this book before I decided to stop.

The main reason for this is that I've had some health problems lately, specifically chronic nausea that makes it hard for me to focus on and enjoy reading. So I'm kind of having a reading hiatus right now, which is unfortunate because I miss reading and want to go back to it.

Like I said, I don't often DNF books when I've gotten that far into it, mostly because if I've invested that much time into reading it, I don't want to have nothing to show for that time spent. But I just can't read right now.

The series does look interesting, though, and I might go back to it later.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016


I still love loose leaf, but recently I've decided to store my drawings and writing in binders instead of manilla folders the way I used to. I've been enjoying making my own notebooks! And constantly reorganizing the contents. ^_^

Monday, September 12, 2016

Significant Characters

There are two animated characters that are not only my favorite characters, but are also important to me on a personal level: Mewtwo, from Pokemon; and Elsa, from Frozen. In these two videos I draw them both and discuss why they are so important to me. Yay life discussions!


Forgot to post the images on Instagram, let alone share them here. Whoops!

A photo posted by Mary DeMauro (@marydemauro) on
A photo posted by Mary DeMauro (@marydemauro) on

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Regency Woman

Lately I've been doing a lot of studies of historical clothing. Here's a video of me coloring in a woman in a simple Regency-era dress. More commentary from me!

And here's the finished product:

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Mesopotamian Women

I love history, and I love studying and drawing historical clothing. I have particular interest in ancient Mesopotamia, it being the first civilization. I filmed myself coloring in a couple of my sketches and added commentary!

Here are the finished products:

You'll probably be seeing more historical art from me!

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Horses and Regrets

If you watch my instagram account, you may notice that I'm in a very horsey mood lately. I've always loved horses, and of course horses are really fun to draw, but this is partially because of a great regret I have. This regret is that I used to take horseback riding lessons when I was younger... but I stopped. I had several good reasons for stopping--health problems I was suffering at the time being one of them--but I deeply wish I could have found a way to continue. I was only thirteen at the time, which means that my options were limited; therefore I shouldn't be too down on myself. But I really enjoyed it, and working with horses--working with any kind of animal--is a wonderful experience. Over the past year I've developed an urge to take it up again, but there's an obstacle in my way. Namely, money. I cannot afford lessons. I learned awhile back that some barns allow you to work in exchange for rides, but when I asked around about this, the barns either don't allow this or they would rather you have been with them awhile before you work for them (understandable). So, it looks like horseback riding is, for the moment, out of my reach. I'm feeling a bit down about this, so I've been browsing pinterest for reference photos and copying them as a way of keeping horses with me.

A photo posted by Mary DeMauro (@marydemauro) on

Sunday, September 4, 2016

A New Coping Mechanism

If you watched/read my intro video/blog, you know that I'm neurodivergent with some mental health issues. I've struggled with anxiety my whole life. I've also had problems with chronic nausea my whole life. And I always get anxious about feeling nauseous, which increases the nausea, which increases the anxiety... it's a glorious vicious cycle. XP I've tried numerous coping mechanisms to deal with both issues, but recently I've stumbled upon something that works better than anything I've tried in the past: drawing from reference.

In the past my main strategy was writing, however I needed to think up what to write next, which isn't easy when your brain is seized with terror. When doing studies from photos, I don't need to think of what to draw next--I just draw what I see! Also, it feels productive, so I don't feel quite like I'm dropping everything to deal with my issues. Technically, I still am, but at least I'm still accomplishing a goal.

...I just hope this won't suddenly stop working for me, the way writing did. XD In the meantime, my studies are filling my folders and my Instagram account! And I like to think I'm honing my drawing skills as well. :)

A photo posted by Mary DeMauro (@marydemauro) on
A photo posted by Mary DeMauro (@marydemauro) on
A photo posted by Mary DeMauro (@marydemauro) on
A photo posted by Mary DeMauro (@marydemauro) on
A photo posted by Mary DeMauro (@marydemauro) on
A photo posted by Mary DeMauro (@marydemauro) on
A photo posted by Mary DeMauro (@marydemauro) on
A photo posted by Mary DeMauro (@marydemauro) on
A photo posted by Mary DeMauro (@marydemauro) on

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Cat Speed Drawing

Happy first of September, everyone! Let's celebrate with my first speed drawing video!

Technically this is only my first speed drawing video for this blog. I have done similar videos in the past, but they're gone now. Anyway, enjoy the video!