Monday, September 26, 2016

So I DNFed A Book

Thought about making a video about this, but I felt like writing a blog post. :)

Recently I did something I don't often do: I DNFed a book. Namely this one:

A photo posted by Mary DeMauro (@marydemauro) on

Usually when I DNF I've read only a few pages of a book, but I just don't get a feel for it and decide to read something different. However, I think I got about 90 pages into this book before I decided to stop.

The main reason for this is that I've had some health problems lately, specifically chronic nausea that makes it hard for me to focus on and enjoy reading. So I'm kind of having a reading hiatus right now, which is unfortunate because I miss reading and want to go back to it.

Like I said, I don't often DNF books when I've gotten that far into it, mostly because if I've invested that much time into reading it, I don't want to have nothing to show for that time spent. But I just can't read right now.

The series does look interesting, though, and I might go back to it later.

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