Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Horses and Regrets

If you watch my instagram account, you may notice that I'm in a very horsey mood lately. I've always loved horses, and of course horses are really fun to draw, but this is partially because of a great regret I have. This regret is that I used to take horseback riding lessons when I was younger... but I stopped. I had several good reasons for stopping--health problems I was suffering at the time being one of them--but I deeply wish I could have found a way to continue. I was only thirteen at the time, which means that my options were limited; therefore I shouldn't be too down on myself. But I really enjoyed it, and working with horses--working with any kind of animal--is a wonderful experience. Over the past year I've developed an urge to take it up again, but there's an obstacle in my way. Namely, money. I cannot afford lessons. I learned awhile back that some barns allow you to work in exchange for rides, but when I asked around about this, the barns either don't allow this or they would rather you have been with them awhile before you work for them (understandable). So, it looks like horseback riding is, for the moment, out of my reach. I'm feeling a bit down about this, so I've been browsing pinterest for reference photos and copying them as a way of keeping horses with me.

A photo posted by Mary DeMauro (@marydemauro) on

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