Monday, October 30, 2017

Saturday, October 28, 2017

NaNoWriMo Outline

Been working hard for several months on an outline for NaNoWriMo! It turned out REALLY detailed, which is why it took so long. But a couple of weeks ago I finally finished it! It's 67 pages long, and about 20,000 words long (since I didn't break into paragraphs, I fit in about 300 words for page instead of my usual 250.) It's a horror story I developed in college, but never wrote down--I only drew scenes from it. Now it's going to be my NaNoWriMo project. With an outline this detailed, I have real hopes of winning this year!

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Monday, September 25, 2017

Notebook Flip-Throughs: Episode 2

The long overdue second episode in my notebook flip-through videos!

Charlotte Riley in Acrylics

Another speed-painting! As I say in the video, I am determined to improve my skills in acrylic painting, so you'll probably see a lot of similar art from me.

And here's the finished painting:

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Monday, September 11, 2017

Black Cat in Blue

Yet another copic marker picture! This one is done with blue markers, but I did it to study the highlights in a black cat's fur. So... black cat in blue?

And here's the finished picture:

Monochrome Wolf in Copic Markers

Another copic marker video! Sorry, I know I said I wanted to take a break from copic markers, but I have a bunch of paper lying around that is specifically for use with markers, and I wanted to use some. Here is a monochrome portrait of a wolf, done so that I could study the textures of a wolf's fur.

And the finished art:

My iTunes Video Library

I love watching digital movies on my iPad, and I believe that digital movies are going to be the next "thing" after BluRay. As such, I have been building my iTunes video library. Check it out!

What about you? Do you like watching digital movies? If so, which service do you use?

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

My Hardback Book Collection

So, as you may or may not know, I collect hardback books! Here is a video of me going through my beloved collection.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Nathalie Emmanuel in Colored Pencils

Yet another art video for me! This time I do actress Nathalie Emmanuel, portraying Missandei, using Prismacolor colored pencils. Please forgive me--my camera shook A LOT while I was filming this. Hope the video is still enjoyable.

And here's the finished art:

Monday, September 4, 2017


TRIGGER WARNING for video and text: Discussion of OCD rules and rituals.

Recently, I realized that my system of keeping notebooks would not be possible without computers, and therefore would not be possible in a different time. For some reason, this frustrates me. I don't discuss it much in the video but this is reminiscent of an OCD rule I used to have, where all my hobbies had to be possible in a different time.

Friday, September 1, 2017

Acrylic Speed Paint--Bella

I'm trying to improve my painting skills, which are, sadly, very poor. but I decided to do a monochrome acrylic painting for my notebook, featuring my character Bella. I turned out what I guess can be considered a "speed-paint" since the final result is very rough, but still gives the general idea. I filmed the process, and here it is!

Note Taking from Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science

I am exhausted because I just finished a month long project! I love including research in my notebooks; copying informative lists or taking notes from articles, things like that. But for the first time I tried taking notes from a whole book--Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science by Dr. Jeff Meldrum. (Buy on Amazon)

I started out taking notes by hand, using colorful pens. But that took too long, so I switched to taking notes on the computer and then printing them out. I used Helvetica, 12 pt, 1.5 spacing. It came out a lot bigger than it looked on the computer, but when I tried making it smaller, it actually looked too small... eh, oh well. Anyway, I made a new notebook entry for every chapter. Meaning that after I finished taking notes on a chapter, I would date the stack of papers and put it in my notebook. I dated it on the day I finished the section.

I actually need to think of a new way to date my research entries. Like I do with my writing, I date it and add my signature. But it's not my material, so I'm thinking maybe I shouldn't add my signature. It just looks weird otherwise, though--except for my journal entries, I sign and date all my notebook entries the same way.

So I you may have noticed me doing this on Instagram!

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My first set of notes is dated July 20, and I finished on August 31. I went on vacation with my family in the middle of it, so subtracting that I figure it took me about a month to finish this. Whew! But I learned so much about Sasquatch. A fascinating read.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Copic Horse Study

Another art video, yay! This time I head into the complicated world of lighting on a horse's shiny coat.

I mention YouTuber LadyeStagsleap in this video. You can find her here and here.

And the finished product:

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Charlotte Riley--Monochrome Portrait

A speed coloring video in which in color a portrait of actress Charlotte Riley using only the B90 family of copic markers!

And the finished product:

I'm really pleased with how this turned out. Makes me feel as though my art skills aren't so hopeless after all! :)

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Notebook Flip-Throughs: Episode 1

I started a new video series: flip-throughs of my notebooks! Here's episode one, where I show you my first two notebooks.

Various things I mentioned in this video:

Artist Linda Sayegh

Celebrity cats Shorty and Kodi

Artist Goldenwolf

The online game Horse Isle 

LadyeStagsleap on deviantart

LadyeStagsleap on youtube--first channel

LadyeStagsleap on youtube--second channel

My Elsa video

Marisol on the Frozen Wiki

Marisol on the Disney Wiki

The 45th Nail, cover art by me

Really Long Journal Entry!

So recently I went on a long vacation with my family, and when I got back of course I wanted to write about it in my journal. But it took me a couple of days to finish writing it, and when I was finished I had written about twelve pages! But that's why I have a loose leaf journal--so that I don't have to put aside everything else I want to write while I finish writing a long journal entry. I can write multiple things at the same time! As to how I date it, I generally use the date on which I finish.

Monday, August 14, 2017

Resolution for an Earlier Post

Awhile ago I made a post lamenting the loss of web show episodes from the former site I was particularly mourning some lost episodes from the show What We Had To Watch, made by IlNeige. However, some good news! IlNeige has made a page on the website, containing all his lost episodes. Needless to say, I'm thrilled.

I highly encourage you to check this series out. IlNeige is hilarious, but his analyses of movies and what makes them good or bad is really well done. My personal favorites are his Pokemon reviews. So check out the show!

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Back From Hiatus!

Hello world! It's been a long time, but I'm finally back from hiatus! And I made my first video in almost a year!

As I explained in the video, I needed a bit of a "mental health" vacation from the internet. But I really missed my blog, and I missed making videos, plus I have a bunch of new ideas!

So, what have I been doing these past months? I've discussed this in my video, but here's the rundown:

1. I've been editing one of my novels, and am now looking for a publisher.
2. I now keep my notebooks in binders, rather than in folders (but if you follow my blog you know that already).
3. I've started collecting hardback books.
4. I now own a kindle, and I love it.

So glad to be back!

Thursday, May 25, 2017


Just a notice that The Spiderweb is going on a temporary hiatus. Thanks for reading!

Monday, March 6, 2017

Blur App!

For awhile now I've struggled with wanting to show pictures of my notebooks, my writing workspace, my decorated journal entries, etc. without actually showing what I'm writing. But I'm experimenting with a couple of apps that let me blur parts of an image before posting it to instagram. Ta-da!

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Well that last picture isn't very exciting, I know... but I like to think that first picture of a notebook page still shows you that I'm woking on an outline in the form of a bullet list. The other picture of my computer screen was mostly me experimenting with the blur app.

Right now I'm using "Touch Blur." I may switch to something else, but right now it seems to be working well! :)

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Books I Read In 2016!

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I recently made a list of all the books I read in 2016! Well, all the books I finished reading, anyway. And I also made a collage of all their covers. In case any of it's hard to read, here's the full list:

-Guilty Pleasures by Laurell K. Hamilton
-Communion by Whitley Strieber
-The Laughing Corpse by Laurell K. Hamilton
-Taken by Thomas Cook
-Dead Until Dark by Charlaine Harris
-Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen
-People of the Nightland by W. Michael Gear and Kathleen O'Neal Gear
-The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien
-A Cedar Cove Christmas by Debbie Macomber
-Swallowing Darkness by Laurell K. Hamilton
-A Shiver of Light by Laurell K. Hamilton
-The Harlequin by Laurell K. Hamilton
-The Silence of the Lambs by Thomas Harris
-Event by David Lynn Golemon
-Halfway to the Grave by Jeaniene Frost

I'm planning on elaborating on this list in some way. I might talk about it in a longer blog post, or I might make a video. I'd LIKE to make a video, but I'm tied up with trying to get my novel edited so i'm not sure if I'll have time. But I'll try; I'd really like to start making videos again! It's been four months!!!!

In any case, the list is here. :)

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Another Pro-Notebooks Article, and a New Idea

On Keeping a Notebook in the Digital Age

Like the title says, this is another article describing the virtues of keeping a notebook!

This talks about needing a place to dump all the ideas that come into your head. This is why I love notebooks: I've got volume after volume of binders full of journal entries, scenes from stories, sketches, research notes, etc. I need a place to keep all this information, whatever form it takes.

The main way my method differs from the author's (the author of this article) is that my notebooks are pretty organized. Well, maybe not that organized, but they're very structured. The writer of the article talks about using small notebooks to keep random, very disorganized notes. Of course the notebooks are already bound, whereas I use loose paper I keep in binders or folders. I've found that I just don't feel comfortable with the kind of notebooks described in this article. I like the freedom of using whatever paper I want, of being able to organize and reorganize, of having my journal entries and prose and sketches all separate, of being able to add things I've typed on the computer. For some, the systematic way I keep my notebooks might discourage using them. For me, personally, it creates a "comfort zone" (usually a bad thing, I know), and it's actually LESS intimidating.

That being said, having a "dumping ground" is important. Sometimes I have ideas that I write on scratch paper because I don't know where in my notebook to put them. The "Spark File" the article talks about made me think: should I have notebook pages that are full of random ideas that I accumulate over a period of time, like a week? It's something to consider. I should try it. :)

New Author Alert!

I said before that I've added a few cozy mysteries to my reading list, and while googling I found this great blog by an upcoming writer! Sadly, we have to wait about a year for her book to come out, but it looks like it'll be worth the wait! There's two dogs on the cover!!!! That's how you know the book has promise! :DDDD

Oh, I should probably mention the name. XD Valerie M Burns, aka VM Burns. The book is "The Plot is Murder" and it's the first in a series.

Here's some links; first is her blog, the second is the book's page on the publisher's website. Looks like it's due out this November.

Hope she doesn't mind if I post the cover of her book here:

Sadly, I couldn't find her on goodreads yet. I'm sure it's only a matter of time!

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Looking For Diverse Books!

So I'm looking for some book recommendations!

I want to diversify my reading list, so I'm hoping to find some non-white authors. :) Specifically I'm looking for paranormal/horror and cozy mystery books. Yeah, I'm getting into cozy mysteries. XD I, well, haven't actually read any yet, but I've got a few on my reading list and I'm trying to decide which one to start with...

But, anyway, yeah, looking for authors of color writing in the paranormal/horror and cozy mystery genres! Please let me know if you have any recommendations. In the meantime I'll keep hitting up google!

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Am I A Stationery Addict? Part 2!

Found another list! This one is "Things Anyone Who's Slightly Obsessed With Stationery Has Done."

Time to compare.

1. Practised your handwriting before making that first sacred mark in a new notebook.

Nope; that's the joy of working on loose paper!!!

2. Or torn an entire page out when you’ve made a mistake.

Again, this is why I use loose leaf. :3

3. Organised your pens by colour, type of pen, or some other miscellaneous factor.

I do separate my pens by whether or not they're ball point pens, fineliners, or fountain pens.

4. Taken the line width of your ruled paper incredibly seriously.

College ruled ONLY.

5. As well as the size of your pen nibs.

Heck yes!

6. Got overly attached to a particular pen because you’re convinced it’s the one that makes your handwriting look the nicest.

I just got fountain pens, so YUP.

7. Told yourself you couldn’t start a new task until you’d bought a notebook for it first.

I like putting everything in the same notebook. :) Loose leaf notebook, of course.

8. Lied and said you didn’t have a pen because you didn’t want someone to take it.

I don't mind if people borrow my pens as long as they treat them well and give them back!

9. Or kept a separate stash of pens for borrowing.

See above.

10. And convinced yourself that your pen just didn’t write the same afterwards if you actually had the heart to lend it out in the first place.

Depends on the type of pen... I suppose I might have this problem with the more delicate fineliners. I confess I would be hesitant to loan those out.

11. Secretly harboured an intense jealousy of anyone with nicer handwriting than you.


12. Used the new year as an excuse to buy yet another planner.

I like making my own planners via the Bullet Journal system.

13. And then bought several more during the year because you couldn’t bear to look at all the empty pages you forgot to fill out for a few weeks.

Again, bullet journals. :3

14. Winced when someone asked to borrow a piece of paper because it means ripping a page from your precious notepad.

Don't have this problem with looseleaf!

15. Sharpened a pencil for no reason but to witness the beauty of a perfect shaving curl.

Eh... I hate sharpening pencils. I much prefer my mechanical one.

16. And so that all of your pencils look like this (picture of perfectly sharpened pencil)

Again, I prefer mechanical pencils, and I only write with pens. However for drawing I will use art pencils sometimes.

17. Been excited by the prospect of starting a new job or term at school because it means having to go stationery shopping.

I'm always excited when I get to buy new binders and paper for them!

18. Bought a pen that you knew was way too expensive and you’d probably never use because you “needed it”.

Yup. XD

19. Secretly enjoyed the smell of Sharpies.

Eh... I'm afraid of what will happen if I smell them...

20. And felt both calmed and slightly aroused by the art of calligraphy.

I love calligraphy but i can't do it!

21. Refused to use a beautiful notebook for way too long because you still haven’t found a good enough reason to use it.

Yup. why do you think I use loose leaf notebooks?

22. Slightly judged someone for their taste in stationery.

No, I'm not a judgmental person. We all have unique preferences and that's what's so fun!

23. And finally, convinced yourself that new stationery is the key to organising your life.

In the past, yes, but I didn't actually like the feeling, you know what I mean? That's why I keep everything in the same notebook. It's fun to have multiple volumes of everything creative in your life!

Monday, January 9, 2017

Overdue Update

Hello, World! Happy New Year

Wow, it's been some time since my last post! I've been very busy trying to get my novel into shape and I haven't had much opportunity to think about blogging. I finished the first draft back in October, as you know, and since then I've been focused on making it better, not to mention longer. I've changed some plot points, added scenes here and there, and of course I've been editing a lot of bad writing.

However, I have been posting to Instagram, and also I got a new tumblr! The navigation section needs some work, and the design is pretty bland, but all the My Blog and Reblog tags should be up to date. Yep, I've separated them for your convenience!

So, that's that. Wish my luck with my editing!!!