Sunday, January 15, 2017

Am I A Stationery Addict? Part 2!

Found another list! This one is "Things Anyone Who's Slightly Obsessed With Stationery Has Done."

Time to compare.

1. Practised your handwriting before making that first sacred mark in a new notebook.

Nope; that's the joy of working on loose paper!!!

2. Or torn an entire page out when you’ve made a mistake.

Again, this is why I use loose leaf. :3

3. Organised your pens by colour, type of pen, or some other miscellaneous factor.

I do separate my pens by whether or not they're ball point pens, fineliners, or fountain pens.

4. Taken the line width of your ruled paper incredibly seriously.

College ruled ONLY.

5. As well as the size of your pen nibs.

Heck yes!

6. Got overly attached to a particular pen because you’re convinced it’s the one that makes your handwriting look the nicest.

I just got fountain pens, so YUP.

7. Told yourself you couldn’t start a new task until you’d bought a notebook for it first.

I like putting everything in the same notebook. :) Loose leaf notebook, of course.

8. Lied and said you didn’t have a pen because you didn’t want someone to take it.

I don't mind if people borrow my pens as long as they treat them well and give them back!

9. Or kept a separate stash of pens for borrowing.

See above.

10. And convinced yourself that your pen just didn’t write the same afterwards if you actually had the heart to lend it out in the first place.

Depends on the type of pen... I suppose I might have this problem with the more delicate fineliners. I confess I would be hesitant to loan those out.

11. Secretly harboured an intense jealousy of anyone with nicer handwriting than you.


12. Used the new year as an excuse to buy yet another planner.

I like making my own planners via the Bullet Journal system.

13. And then bought several more during the year because you couldn’t bear to look at all the empty pages you forgot to fill out for a few weeks.

Again, bullet journals. :3

14. Winced when someone asked to borrow a piece of paper because it means ripping a page from your precious notepad.

Don't have this problem with looseleaf!

15. Sharpened a pencil for no reason but to witness the beauty of a perfect shaving curl.

Eh... I hate sharpening pencils. I much prefer my mechanical one.

16. And so that all of your pencils look like this (picture of perfectly sharpened pencil)

Again, I prefer mechanical pencils, and I only write with pens. However for drawing I will use art pencils sometimes.

17. Been excited by the prospect of starting a new job or term at school because it means having to go stationery shopping.

I'm always excited when I get to buy new binders and paper for them!

18. Bought a pen that you knew was way too expensive and you’d probably never use because you “needed it”.

Yup. XD

19. Secretly enjoyed the smell of Sharpies.

Eh... I'm afraid of what will happen if I smell them...

20. And felt both calmed and slightly aroused by the art of calligraphy.

I love calligraphy but i can't do it!

21. Refused to use a beautiful notebook for way too long because you still haven’t found a good enough reason to use it.

Yup. why do you think I use loose leaf notebooks?

22. Slightly judged someone for their taste in stationery.

No, I'm not a judgmental person. We all have unique preferences and that's what's so fun!

23. And finally, convinced yourself that new stationery is the key to organising your life.

In the past, yes, but I didn't actually like the feeling, you know what I mean? That's why I keep everything in the same notebook. It's fun to have multiple volumes of everything creative in your life!

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