Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Bullet Journaling

One thing that I think is so awesome is the way some people have made a hobby out of planning. It's great, seeing all the planning videos on YouTube, with bloggers finding a way to make organization and productivity fun.

One thing that I found interesting is the bullet journal community, mostly because it revolves around making your own planner in any notebook rather than using a store-bought planner. Of course when I tried it I had to make it loose-leaf as opposed to doing it in a notebook... you know me.

This post might be a bit off-topic but a) like I said, I think its cool the way people are trying to get creative with planners, and b) my bullet journal pages live alongside my writing and drawing. So why not. :)

I've included some pictures of my bullet journal thus far (or at least the tops of the pages; don't want to share personal stuff) as well as the two videos made by Ryder Carroll about what bullet journaling is. I recommend you watch both as one of the videos doesn't mention Collections, aka lists, and I think what's good about bullet journaling is that it combines calendars with lists. I'll post a link to the website at the bottom, too.

A photo posted by Mary DeMauro (@marydemauro) on

A photo posted by Mary DeMauro (@marydemauro) on

Bullet Journal

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