Thursday, August 25, 2016

My Reference Book

Thought I would do a flip-through of my reference pictures that I use for drawing.  I've printed out the pictures in black and white, leaving room for hole punches on the side. I know I usually use folders but in this case I used a binder.

Of course the best thing to study from is life, but when live models aren't available, pictures are the second best thing.

If you're just starting out drawing, you may be tempted to copy from carton people and animals. I strongly dissuade against that. I did that and I think my art is still suffering from it. It's fine if you want to stylize your drawings, or even if you want to learn someone else's style for fan art and such, but in order to do that properly a good study of anatomy is a must.

Here are the links to my favorite sources that I mentioned.


Here are my pinterest boards. Be warned that I don't just use them for reference; you'll find "lolcats" and the like mixed in.

Other Animals
Prehistoric Animals

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