Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Why I Use An Analog Notebook

So recently I stumbled across and fell in love with this article:

Why I Still Use A Sketchbook

I sympathize with the narrator, but the content of the article makes me fear for our society as a whole. "What is a 'sketchbook?' Some kind of laptop?" I'll just take that as a sign of the upcoming apocalypse.

One thing I appreciate about this article is how the author is not at all criticizing technology--he is merely criticizing our dependence on it. I love technology, myself. I have a laptop, an iPhone, and an iPad. I adore them all, and I use them well. Hell, as you know, my art journal is digital. But if you follow my instagram account, you know that I really love handwriting things, and I prefer drawing on real paper as well. At the end of the day, my padfolio is easier to carry around than my laptop or even my tablet. Plus, as the author reminds us, pens and paper do not require batteries. It's a cliche explanation of why we love analog, but it's true.

I repeat: I love our modern digital age. Sometimes I'll type a journal entry or a story scene and I've enjoyed doing art on the computer, too. (Photoshop FTW.) I've also been sucked into the world of eBooks. But at the end of the day there's no replacing the basic simple notebook. Embrace technology, but don't let it consume you.

I'm not saying anything new here, I know, but I really had to applaud that article. That and the idea that someone didn't know what a sketchbook was kind of freaked me out. XD

"You sure you want this? It's so beat up!" Yeah, because it's USED and it's filled to bursting with creativity and expression!

Read the article, it's a good one. :)

A photo posted by Mary DeMauro (@marydemauro) on

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