Monday, August 15, 2016


I've tried keeping journals before, but it wasn't until I started my loose leaf journal that I discovered something that really worked for me. I've been getting more into journaling, especially since I've discovered that it doesn't have to be just writing about your day. You can write about any topic you like. You can write about your favorite books, your personal philosophies, your goals, anything. Once I filled out a survey thing I found online. XD I've also learned about decorating your journals with paint and washi tape, experimenting with different pens, adding photos to your journal, etc. I never used to do that before but I'm really enjoying it now. My journal isn't as decorated as it could be, but I'm hoping to change that.

This fall will be the one year anniversary of my journal. When I hit that date I might do a flip through or something on youtube. Journal flip through videos inspired me to get serious about journaling, so I'll add to the inspirational material. :)

A photo posted by Mary DeMauro (@marydemauro) on

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