Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Handwritten Word Count

So I figured out how to estimate the word count for my handwritten pages.

According to some rather tedious counting, my word count on college-ruled paper will be either 150 words per page or 250 words per page, depending on how I'm writing.

Usually when I write by hand, I don't indent paragraphs, but instead skip lines between paragraphs. I counted the words on one page where I did that, and I got 166 words. I'll round that down to 150 words. Of course this fluctuates depending on whether I'm writing lots of short dialogue sentences, etc., but that's my estimate.

Today I tried writing on every line, not skipping lines in between paragraphs but just indenting. On the page that I counted I went over 250 words. Again I'm rounding down to 250, and, again, it's just an estimate; fluctuations are going to happen.

Those are the numbers I'm using to calculate my handwritten word count. Of course everybody has different handwriting, with some people writing big, some people writing small, but maybe those numbers will help you. :)

I've heard from several places that a typed page averages 250 words per page, but I forget if that's double- or single-spaced, what kind of font they used (Times New Roman is different from Courier). I'll have to look it up.

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