Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Missing Episodes

There were several web series on that I enjoyed. But for some reason, I guess I fell out of touch with those web series for awhile.

Which is why I didn't notice when vanished from the internet.

For awhile I was searching for certain episodes that I enjoyed and not finding them. For some reason it took me awhile to investigate WHY I wasn't finding them, maybe because most episodes that I liked could also be found on YouTube. So I didn't notice Blip was gone until, like, almost a year after it shut down. When I finally realized this, I also realized that those episodes I couldn't find were likely lost forever.

For some reason this really bummed me out. Talk about a first world problem, right? I certainly live a good life if I can worry about this. XD But, I don't know, it just disappoints me that these things I used to love I will likely never watch again. Honestly it's mostly that I'm annoyed with myself for not even noticing that they were gone. You'd think that means that I didn't actually like them that much, but honestly I did. In my defense, the year Blip went under I graduated from college. I was distracted. XD But I'm kicking myself for not knowing that Blip was going under and doing something while I had the chance. Petitioning the creators to post their series on Vimeo or something. A couple of the lost episodes I'm thinking of were on YouTube but were later removed for some ridiculous copyright claim. The web series I'm talking about are all those comedic movie reviews.

One series that I used to love--and still love--was the "What We Had To Watch" webseries by Il Neige, aka Garret Snook. My favorite episode of that show used to be his "Lucario and the Mystery of Mew" review, and I also like his "Monster House" review. Both those episodes are now gone, though I can still watch most of the series on YouTube. It just makes me miss those episodes when Il Neige references them during other reviews, and, like I said, the "Lucario" review was my favorite. XD Like most people I love his Pokemon themed stuff.

Kind of off topic, but it does have to do with creativity, namely movies and web shows, so I thought I'd post it. Also I don't think I'm the only one who was thrown for a loop when Blip vanished. Hell, Channel Awesome had to figure out a whole new way to host its videos. I really hope that the company that bought restores those lost episodes sometime...

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