Saturday, October 15, 2016

Word Count

So I finished transcribing my novel, and I found out two things.

One: from now on I'm going to transcribe my handwritten stuff after every chapter or so, instead of waiting till the very end. Typing the whole thing is just too damn exhausting. XD

Two: ...Turns out my novel isn't actually a novel. It's actually a novella. XP

Yeah, after fleshing out a couple of scenes and adding one more in, my story adds up to 50,000 words. A novel has to be at least 70,000 words. To people who count novellas as novels, that's not a big deal, but it's still too short to get published.

So, now I have to figure out what to do. Adding scenes, building up scenes, changing scenes... I'm just really surprised, because it felt so much longer when I was handwriting it. I'm also a bit frustrated because, well, because of what I just said. Also because the last novel I wrote only added up to 60,000 words or so. So now I'm wondering if I just can't write a decent sized story.

Well, somebody on my personal Facebook said that this is all part of the learning experience, so maybe I just need to... make my outlines longer? XD

In the meantime, wish me luck getting to 70,000 words!

...Hole punching all the typed stuff to put in my notebooks was exhausting and now there's hole punch circles all over my room. XD

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